I am so happy!!! This is happening. Thank you Lauren Perez, Amber Hoffman, and Austin Mulrine for loving momma thru that storm, my parents and family for never giving up on me. My best friend Terri Foreman Childs for being understanding these last several months while I’ve been MIA. Sam Newton for believing in me, Dr Duc Vuong for inspiring me, Jason Sisneros for mentoring me and SHOWING me transparency, Joshua T Berglan for friendship and encouragement and Chris Salem for mentoring me and making time for me! Thank you Tammy Kling, Tiarra Tompkins and Nelly Es @ On Fire Books and Larry Carpenter at Clovercroft publishing.

None of us are perfect! I’ve made a lifetime of mistakes and mentally chastised myself and felt like such a horrible person-a monster even. If I had known other people were doing horrific things behind their addiction, i wouldn’t have been so hard on myself. GUILT is powerful and will destroy us if we allow it. SPEAK your truth, OWN your shit because it just might be what someone else needs to hear to forgive themselves today. The more people hear they aren’t alone, the more healing takes place.

Thru all my adversities in life, the absolute HARDEST adversity to come thru has been domestic abuse. My abuser left physical scars but the emotional scars are MUCH DEEPER and weigh me down into depression. Domestic abuse left me without identity, purpose, love or hope. It has been such a battle to rebuild… but I DID!!!!! We all can.